Will 2008 Be a Repeat of 2007?
This is a question we should all be wrestling with because 2008 is fast approaching all of us. The question you need to ask yourself is what will be different in 2008 that will give you a different result than you have had not only in 2007, but in the previous 3 or 4 years. In most cases we are really in a circle, that just strangles repeats itself over and over again. The mistakes, the lack of income, the lack of a plan, this was a problem for most in 2000 and is a problem for them in 2007 as well, 2008 can and will be decidedly different if we want it too. I am here to assist you in making 2008 the breakthrough year you have all been waiting. I recently conducted a seminar and we had a dynamic guest speaker named Ken Brown (www.Kenbrowninternational.com) and he would repeatedly say that you need to write this down or this is some good stuff here. Well the stuff here may not have the same power that Mr. Ken Brown said it with, but this is some stuff you need to write down, and take notes on. One of the best antidotes he gave was that (Success Leaves Clues) well if it leaves clues what clues have you been following or finding recently? If we are honest with ourselves our clues have not amounted to much and they probably have come far and few between.
Why you might ask, well you need to see who’s in your immediate circle, the people you consider your closest friends and or your confidant. What is the medium income of this group, if the group is not making money, or even motivated to go forward then the clues you will see and hear will reflect this? We need to respect our time and our associations, what means more to you, your friends and how they will perceive you when you are on your quest for success or are you like most too worried that you may rattle a few feathers with you changing for the better. Success can be achieve by all but most never take a real stab at it, they are too worried about failure, they are too worried about making mistakes, too worried about what could go wrong, or the dreaded what if’s of the world. Well every day, every hour someone is living and achieving life milestones that they previously thought were unobtainable, why not you.
Achieving your goals will make you uncomfortable, it will make you question your sanity at times, but what of true value has not come with some sacrifice. I use myself as an example, most only see the exterior or the end results, but as they say in show business if you only knew what really goes on behind the scenes, well 2007 was a great character building year for me. It gave me the confidence that no matter what happens I can overcome it, the greatness and the success I crave for is right around the corner. I just need to stay focused on my goals and truly prioritize what will give me the greatest return on my time and energy every day.
This will be a 3 part series that I will give you success clues and tips that will propel you in 2008 to a status where you will question why did it take me so long, what was I waiting for, if this was all I had to do then why didn’t someone tell me sooner. Stop worrying about the past, it is dead and gone, never to rise its ugly head again. Live in the moment and you will be thoroughly surprised at what is possible. Tips for this lesson will be
1. Take a close look at your circle, the 5 that you associate with, the 5 you would think as your advisors so to speak and ask them, what are there plans for 2008, better yet do they have any. If the answers are not on the level you feel that can help or assist you in achieving your goals in 2008 you need to create some new associations ASAP. Time is of the essence here, 2008 will be here in less than 48 hour. My mother and a good friend of mine told me that whatever way you start the year that is going to be a great indicator of the year to come.
2. Second and most important, you have time, write down what you want to accomplish for 2008, don’t worry if you have never achieved it before, that what goals are for, they are for you to have a visible reminder of what you feel that you can accomplish. In 2008 there will be more Millionaires created than ever, on the flip side, 2008 will probably see more financial disasters than ever before, foreclosures will continue to rise, Bankruptcies will go through the roof, it’s kind of funny when you think about it, in the same 365-366 days that someone will become a Millionaire, someone will loose it all at the same time, we all have the same amount of time, which side do you want to be on. Be specific in your goals, create a yearly income and personal goal and then break it down month by month. If you are not used to writing goals, my advice to you would be to just figure out what you would like to do in January that will possibly give you a different result than you got in December. Try to see if you can find one new person that can assist you in your quest for success. Read one book, it seems hard, but the average reader reads at 200 words per minute, so even if you read below average you can take 30 minutes and read 5-10 pages a day. Even with as little as 5-10 pages a day x 30 days you are at 150-300 pages in January, most books are between 150-200 pages.
In closing I would like to say that taking 7 hours a week to improve your is well worth it, you may think that you do not have the time, but you do, act as if you life depends on it, I know mine does so I wake up every morning with a purpose, and a goal I try to achieve that day. Do you, if not start today and see what a difference a made up mind can do.
Part 2 February , 2008
Darrick H Scruggs
The Power TO BE Free