So You Want to make a Million
A million is a big number, for sure. Most of us can't begin to comprehend just how much million is, but as you can see you have a 1 in 125 chance of becoming one. I like those odds.
• Currently 1 in 125 Americans are Millionaires
• How Long it takes to count to 1 Million =39 days
• It Takes 1Billion Pennies to equal 1 Million
• A million dollars is only eight hours at the rate our government is spending money (you do the math. and just keep paying the taxes)
Great Saying “see it , believe it, then achieve it”.
Here are some characteristics of a millionaire:
1. Bold and unafraid to take action
2. Able to step out of their comfort zone and do things differently
3. Will still charge ahead with their ideas despite “negative critics”
4. Decision maker
5. Patience
6. Persistence
7. Belief and Faith
8. Positive attitude
9. Boundless Energy
10. Loves what they do and can’t wait to keep working on it
11. Able to form a team of like-minded individuals to help
12. If they don’t have money, they know how to get it by forming key relationships
13. A solid business plan (or what they call a “battle plan”)
14. Entrepreneurship (most want to be their own boss above the security of working for someone else)
15. Creative and can come up with good ideas
16. Can see the good in situations no matter how bad it is
17. Have good mentors and role models
18. Have a burning desire to succeed (succeeding to them is so important that there’s no room for failure)
19. Wants to be “somebody” badly and all the rewards that comes with it
20. Has a need to provide for their family and take care of their loved ones
21. Discipline and good work ethic
22. Excellent communicator and salesmanship
Start Your Road Map to ONE Million Dollars
Sunday, September 23, 2007
So You Want to Make A Million
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5:48 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Build Your Personal Brand
Build Your Personal Brand
"Your brand is created out of customer contact and the experience your customers have of you."
What's your brand, what is it when people think of you would be the first thing that comes out of there mouth. In the past I used to get mad when people would say things like Darrick you are consumed with money, you eat, sleep, drink and understand money better than most people I know. Well unknown to myself I created my brand. The brand, I created was around the knowledge of money, all my businesses have been established around money and things associated with it. What's your brand, think about it, and ask yourself some difficult question, it may not be as easy as you think. Here's a very easy exercise to do, ask 5-10 of your closest friends, and associates, or employer, family may not be the best avenue, because you need people to be honest. If you are truly a knucklehead, Mom and Dad may not tell you the truth.
Some Example question
· When you think of me what would be the first thing that comes to mind
· What is it that you see as my attributes, strengths, or Gifts
· Do I seem trustworthy, If so would you do business with me in said field
When you ask the question be forthright and tell them not to spare your feelings. It was difficult for me to ask that question, I was afraid of the response. As I stated earlier the one common answer I heard first was about money, the hard part came when people began to criticize or pointing out your flaws. The one that was almost as common as my pursuit of money would be, my follow up or lack of follow through. It stings at first, but when I thought about it, I took it as a compliment. I see that I have people who see me as an oasis of knowledge in one area, but a severe weakness in another. After getting over the shock that people would tell me that (HA HA), I put together a plan to improve on my short comings. It was relatively easy when I identified my problem; I put it as one of my goals. Finish what I start, if I can't let people know I either can't or will not be able to fulfill said task. It was amazing what happened, instead of me having to go back and ask the people, was I improving; they came to me and said it.
The question know most have, why should I worry about my brand, think about the most successful person you know, when you think about him/her what would be the first thing you think about. For example purposes I would like to highlight a few very successful individuals I know. Both happen to be in the business I am currently involved in. The first gentlemen I would like to talk about would be Nakia Muhammad, he is a man of integrity, people don't under estimate this characteristic, when I mention his name most people hold him in very high regard impeccable reputation, another gentlemen I would like to talk about would be Marcus Murray, for all who do not know him he is a very extraordinary individual as well. If you ask the same question about Marcus, it would be first and foremost his desire to excel at his profession, or if he is involved it must be OK. Now to the part that involve you, how can Nakia, or Marcus brand assist me. In life you can either be a pioneer or have to go through all growing pains of being the first, or you can go the less traveled route and find someone of impeccable character, successful in whatever it is you want to be successful in and imitate or follow. Most successful individuals do not have trouble telling you the keys to his/her success. Life becomes easier when you have a plan to follow.
Part 1 of 2
"Products are made and owned by companies. Brands on the other hand are made and owned by people, by the public, the consumers."
Jeremy Bullmore
Come see a Great Brand in Process
September 17th at 7:00 PM
Southfield Holiday INN /696 and Telegraph
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6:37 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Can Everyone Lead
Can Everyone Lead
This is a great question for everyone to ask them selves. Hopefully the answer will be a resounding YES, that you have the unique ability to lead, so what next. What areas can you improve on, what can be done better, more efficiently, you get the point. Usually I use myself as an example, without a doubt I know I have the ability to lead, it is something that I never really wanted, somehow through OSMOSIS I usually was labeled to lead in most areas other than Sports. That is a different story all together, the one place where I wanted to lead, my athletic ability did not warrant me leading. Initially I became distraught, since I so wanted to excel and lead in the sports field. Find your area of leadership; mine was more in the business arena, than it was in the athletic field. Find your area of expertise, brand yourself as an expert and people will naturally follow, you will not have to ask.
At first I rebelled against having the moniker of leader, decision maker, but now I relish the ideal of leading. All that said and out of the way, how can I improve as a leader, what areas of leadership can I improve on. Through some harsh critics of my leadership ability I found that my follow up and follow through can be significantly improved. Most of my problems came simply from me over-promising, and under delivering on my promises. Easily fixed most would say, it is if you want to take yourself to the next level. If we are honest with ourselves we know we have these short comings, but we fail to change, we continue to do just enough, well what if you did more than enough what would happen then. I know that if I did just what was expected of me I would be in a lot better situation, sometimes I do and sometimes I do not, but my commitment to all that read this, expect more from not only me but all that come into contact with you and you will see a remarkable improvement in all aspects of your life. Expect the best and it magically happens, no doubts, no reservations, just confidence that whatever it is that you expect should manifest itself.
If not why, what characteristic do I not possess t o make people want to follow me. I hear stories like leaders are born, they have the IT factor, that I do not posses. The IT factor can be obtained through careful study of someone who has the IT factor. Imitation is the biggest form of flattery, I will be honest most of my antidotes, responses are not original, somewhere someone else I listened to or studied, have said it first and probably 10 times better, but that has not stopped me from leading 4 different companies, leading seminars to groups of well over 500. At first, I was afraid, but I did it anyway, dry mouth and all. Here’s a famous quote by Mark Twain “Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain. ... Courage is resistance to fear” Stop living in fear, take charge of your life and live it full throttle, stop putting limitations on yourself, try it I talk to people all the time that just put people on a pedestal, like what they are doing can’t be duplicated. Most people are copy cats anyway, think about it if you watch TV all the News Show are the same, now with the advent of reality show they are the same, there really isn’t much under the sun that has not been done before. Acknowledge your fears and do it anyway. I read a quote by Henry Ford founder of Ford Motor, “One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do”.
Test your Leadership Skills/ Monday September 10th 7:00 PM Invite someone
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2:56 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Its OK to Fail, Trump Said So
Its OK To Fail
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Well before I get to into my post let me clarify what I mean by its O K to fail. I have read a lot of books on successful individuals like Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, and other notable leaders. The one thing I find on a consistent basis is that most have had a serious failure or two in there past. When I talk about what Donald Trump said in one of his books or his hit TV show everyone agrees and nods there head, when it comes to the success he has had, but when it comes to failure, like the 1Billion dollars he was personally on the hook for in the late 80’s to the early 90’s, most say they would not be able to deal with it. Mr. Trump made a saying famous in the early 90’s, If I can Survive until 95 I’ll be OK. Remember without risk there is no grand reward that can be achieved. Be careful, calculate your risk, Donald failed not because he was not well prepared; he failed due to the market taking a drastic change during this period. It is well documented about the failures of Mr. Rich Dad/Poor Dad fame, he had if I am not mistaken 3-4 failed businesses, I recently watched (High Net Worth on CNBC at 11:00 PM on Sundays) and they conservatively estimate he is worth between 50-75 Million and growing. I am not certain but I do not think his past failures hurt him too much.
For all aspiring Entrepreneurs, High Net Worth is a must see for Future Millionaires, it amazes me the amount of money that can be made or has been made by ordinary people like you and me. For every great deal these guys have had they can probably tell you about 2 that went south. Not because they are not very good at what they do, it is just the nature of business and success. You literally fail your way to success. Think back to your earliest memories of things you tried, riding a bike, playing sports, certain parts of School, you probably made mistakes, but you did not get down on yourself and say, since I did not keep my balance the first time I rode my bike, or didn't catch the ball that my dad threw me I going to give up. In most cases you figure out what you did not do the previous time and then you try something different and in no time at all you, you are riding a bike, catching the ball every time your dad throws it to you. This may be a little to simplistic of an example but it gets the point across I am trying to make.
Failing is OK if you learn from it, its insanity if you do not. That’s the difference between those who succeed beyond most of our wildest dreams, and those who never go anywhere, what’s the biggest difference. In most cases, it’s not because you have not thought it out, done your research, it is getting over your fear of failure or immediate gratification. Success takes time, figure out what it is that you want to do, plan it out, then take action, remember throughout the process you may fail initially, analyze that failure and try to make sure you do not make the same mistake again. In Closing, I would appreciate if anyone that reads this post to pass it to a friend, and also go to my blog and post comments good or bad, and maybe give some interesting titles you would like for me to comment about.
See You at the Top/ Failures Not an Option
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7:23 AM