Travel Weekly Names J. Kim Sorensen
One Of 33 Most Influential People
In The Travel Industry
Travel Weekly, in an article dated 11/20/2007, has named YTB Travel Network CEO, J. Kim Sorensen, to its list of the 33 most influential people in the travel industry. The article states that the "most influential" list is filled with people who have veered from the status quo and succeeded so spectacularly that they have influenced the course travel is taking in 2007, and will be just as influential in 2008.
"I am truly honored and humbled to be included on this list," said Kim. "Especially since YTB is not about me, but about the great team and the huge network of representatives and referring travel agents that were willing to take a chance on a new way to sell travel. I speak for the entire company when I thank Travel Weekly for recognizing the huge potential of YTB."
Travel Weekly's 2007 Power List named YTB the nation's 35th largest seller of travel and the 11th largest agency for primarily leisure travel for the year 2006.
Click here to read the Travel Weekly article entitled:
Club 33: The most influential people
in the travel industry
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Travel Weekly's 33 Most Inflential YTB
Posted by Darrick at 4:06 AM 0 comments
Learn How YTB can help you Travel to Hawaii Free
Ideas to make your Hawaii Travel Free
There are numerous items that you can do to make your Hawaii travel free, what if you created a travel club and you designated Hawaii as the destination of choice. You could become a travel agent through for less than $500.00 and receive a significant travel commission. I have talked to some travel agencies and asked if I could put together a small group maybe 5-7 couples what type of commission would I receive, well much to my surprise they all the travel agencies stated that if I could put this type of group together they would be willing to either significantly reduce the cost of the trip, I mean the all-inclusive to where it would have been pennies on the dollar.
The way you can make it easy to manage create a free Google Email account and a subsequent free Google blogger site, all this can be set up in minutes and best of all it is 100% free of charge. If you really want to get creative you can go to Amazon, Adsense with Google and other affiliate programs, attach them to your site and create an additional revenue stream. You are in business now and you can go to signup to become a RTA and start to earn thousands of dollars in commission. Questions that might arise in your mind, well most of my friends can’t afford a trip like this, well what if you created a Travel Club. This can be done by going to the State you are located in Local website and finding the Business and Economic development department and inquiring about how to start a company in the city of state you reside in.
The process is very simple, if you are timid about trying to do it yourself, you can call your local CPA, or accountant that prepares your tax papers and they should be able to guide you through this process. After obtaining your business name you can go to any bank and open a business account. This will create the legitimacy you need to market your business. After you create the business account, the Google email account, and Google Blogger, you are ready to start to market your business. You can order 250 free business cards at Vista print and you now have an additional marketing tool a business card. If you look at all that I have told you and the cost associated with being to go to one of the Premier Vacation destinations for free, the cost is very miniscule. Once you have all this established which can be done in most states in less than 48-96 hours you can create a very inexpensive site. This will give you the exposure you need to attract like minded individuals that want to travel to the destination of your choice, the great thing about this site is that you can have exposure to almost 90,000 individuals that may be interested in travel. The best part about it, would be that you could meet at different locations IE restaurants, libraries or even your home if you felt comfortable the cost will still be 0. This is the end of Part 1
Part 1 of 2 on how you can easily Travel to Hawaii for Free
If you want to learn how I will travel to Hawaii in 08 for Free you need to call me.
Darrick H Scruggs
Posted by Darrick at 3:57 AM 7 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
That Day, That Day
This is the day when nothing you do is right, it seems as if you can do nothing right. You wake up late, you get pulled over for speeding, You get into it with your significant other. Your car which you just purchased seems to be having mechanical problems, you get the picture. That day where nothing seems to go right, you are just in a bad frame of mind and you want let the world know that you are having a bad day. What is that going to do, nothing but create more negative Karma in the world. Well what if we use “That Day” as a tool for future lessons for your business.
As you see, I have mentioned nothing about business so far. Well there will be what I will graciously call them “Character building days” in business. These are days when you are supposed to have things are supposed to happen and it does not, so what, it is not the end of the world and in most cases it is not going to put you out of business, there will be days as the entrepreneur we all aspire to be will have that will “Test Us”. I will let you know now that I have not ever mentioned that being a entrepreneur was going to be easy, but I said is was simple. The reason I say is that it is simple is that you probably already have had a role model or someone to imitate. I once read a book by Sam Walton of the Walton Empire and he said it very simply, “there is nothing really new under the sun, we can just put a different spin on it”. We all probably have had someone before us be successful in said field.
For the purpose of this article I will use my success in Network Marketing, everyone’s dream is to hit that level of leadership, whether it be a Regional Manager, Diamond, or in the organization I love YTB a Director. In most cases there has been someone that has hit the level of success that we all desire and we can use them as our roadmap to success, we are not like Roger Bannister and have to do something that has never been done before. The one caveat I would like to stress is that we can’t have success in the Burger King franchise model, “You can have it your way”, the success of the leaders I mentioned are roadmaps to your success, that path have already been trail blazed, why reinvent the wheel if you do not have too.
The key in your success is to do what works, success can’t be done in the usual “Cafeteria Style” we all do, then we will be the first to complain this does not work. “Cafeteria Style” lack of success I call it, will be that you have a road map for success, but you somehow in your mind feel there is a detour or shortcut in the system or directions that can get to your desired goal faster, in most case you will be dead wrong. If your up-line tells you that you need to have 1 Home introduction weekly and you need to talk to a minimum of 5 new people a week then by golly that is what you need to do, I mentioned in the start of the letter about the “Character Building” days or “That day” you will have in life, well you will have the same in this great business of Network Marketing, you will have no-shows, cancelled orders, dropouts or falloffs as we network marketer like to call them. So what, someone else today is signing up the next superstar in the network marketing world, why not you.
If you want to find a proven system that can take you to your desired goal of
Director where your life can be on auto-pilot, you need to give me a call, today, not tomorrow. Christmas is coming what if you became a Power Team Leader and signed up 6 new RTA’s before Christmas what would that do for the happiness of your holidays. 6 new RTA’s as a power team leader means you have made $ 1750.00 that will be a great Christmas for most, It can and will happen to someone that has that burning desire inside of them that they will be successful no matter what, why not you.
For more great information on Network Marketing
Posted by Darrick at 3:02 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Michigan-Ohio State What's so Important
Michigan-Ohio State what’s so important
The big game is over, Ohio State has won again, I am a true blue Michigan fan, and I know all the stats of Michael Hart, Henne, and the rest of the bunch at U of M. I may even bleed Maize and Blue, but in the grand scheme of thing does it really matter. This not a knock on anyone that went to the game, watch it on TV, and even made a rather hefty wager on the event. The reason why I use this as a topic is that we usually get more excited about something that is happening in someone’s life other than ours. Why is that, if Michigan won would that have changed your life, probably not, since Ohio State won again what has happened, probably nothing, but now you have to find something to get excited about now, what is it going to be.
Well I have a clue, what about your life, why not plan your life the way you do, for your favorite TV show, I mean I can’t count how many times I have had to reschedule appointments due to get this American Idol,( again someone else living there dreams and shooting for the stars not the Millions of devoted fans watching, Simon earns 50 million a year telling people how bad they are and we tune in week after week) Dancing with the Stars, or maybe its 24 or Cold Case. Have you ever researched what the actors make on the made for TV dramas, some make what we make in a year, per episode. I like watching a good game like the rest of you, I have my Michigan Jacket, of course hat, jogging suit, socks and all the other Michigan gear I can pay for, but there is one big difference between me an you. I understand the best way I can give back to Michigan is to become a great success and give back to the University. In the grand scheme of things which one do you feel the University of your choice would appreciate more, your undying devotion to watching the game or your extreme generosity in donating a new wing to the University of your Choice. As for American idol why not just make enough money and go watch it live, stop being on the sidelines, lets get in the game we all call life.
I can only speak for myself; I know that I am not currently living the life I think I deserve, so I am willing to work day and night to change it. I have stopped blaming everyone else for my misfortunes and decided to devote the next 12 months to living the life I deserve. Well what are you going to do over the next 12, if you are like most it will just be a snapshot of your current circumstances. It does not have to be that way, you are the only one that can change that, stop the dreaded P (Procrastination) word and do something about it today, not tomorrow. Life is short so you really only have a short window of opportunity to really enjoy it. We are young and dumb first, then we become older and supposedly wiser, then we truly age and start reflecting on all the mistakes we made and the dreaded What if syndrome. So whatever your current situation except it, embrace it, and make a commitment that today is the first day of my new life, the old which I lived for so many years are a thing of the past, today I will reinvent myself, I will start living the life I always dreamed of. Food for thought, someone today is buying the home of there dreams why aren’t you, someone today is taking the vacation of the lives, why not you, and today someone will become a millionaire, why not you.
So for all that believe in fairy tales and that dreams do come true, you need to attend today’s YTB meeting at 3 Pm in Farmington Hills
YTB in less than 6 years has produce many millionaires, get this they have 12 in there short existence that have done it in 12 months or less, dream a little what would you do with 1 million in the next 12 months. Someone’s going to make $1,000,000.00 in YTB in the next 12 month why not you.
31800 Northwestern Hwy # 205
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
313-790-3680 if you need directions or want to start earlier.
Posted by Darrick at 2:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Why I Love YTB
I love YTB. Well, let me first say that it is not due to the large checks that everyone receives from the YTB business. I am not a Dream Team recipient nor am I a Level 1 Director--yet. No other networking program that I have ever tried before has given me what YTB has given me. I have tried several network marketing businesses from Link Communications, (phones and cellular), Mellaluca, Amway, Pre-Paid Legal, and Primerica. They are all great companies. If marketed correctly they will give you exactly what you put into it. Yes, they are good companies but I never had any love for them. I love YTB!
In the past, I always just showed up. I did nothing between the meetings. If I had any conversations about the business, it was always filled with negativity. I would constantly say things like, “This stuff doesn’t work.” “I’m not good at this.” “Even though Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki say that network marketing is the best way to build wealth today…I don’t think they meant this business!” There was a load of negative tapes playing in my head and I just couldn’t hear past them.
I knew individuals personally that had made money with YTB. Yet, for some reason I never gave the business my all. Well, something about YTB suddenly clicked with me one day. YTB somehow connected with that inner voice that had been deep within me for 38 years. The volume on the negative thoughts began to diminish steadily. The positive influence of YTB began to change my thinking on a lot of things. The once tiny repressed voice began to grow in volume and resonance. It all rang true. And when it clicks, it just clicks!
I joined YTB in March of 2007, site unseen. I had no product knowledge, but I joined on the strength of two great men that were very successful in their fields. In life if you are going to follow someone at least follow someone who has what you want. These gentleman were success personified. I wanted what they had. I knew even if I didn’t succeed at the business, I would have access to the minds of these two gentlemen. That was well worth it for me. Still, there was so much more in store for me with YTB.
The process has been a journey to say the least. I have diligently called and emailed. I have worked at inspiring people. I have sincerely put effort and creativity into demonstrating to people that there is more to living than just existing. I’ve urged people to ask themselves why they would settle for just getting by when they can truly live the lives that they have always dreamed of living. I have even showed people a plan in which I reveal to them how they can achieve the success of a lifetime within a mere 1-3 years of hard work.
Objections? I’ve encountered it all. Still, objections, resistance or rejection have never deterred me. I have heard and I have likely said it all myself before. I have a little phrase and series of questions that I use when individuals give me excuses. I say, “Well, what’s the alternative? Would you rather work 30 years at one job? And that’s if you don’t get laid-off or downsized. We all realize that jobs today no longer have a 30-year lifespan. Right? So you will not even be able to obtain the gold watches and pensions that your grandparents and parents used to get. Do you feel that your future is secure? Will you just work all of your life just to work all your life until you die? Is that what you are telling me you want?” No one has ever honestly been able to say that they really want to embrace any part of those losing scenarios.
The problem for most people is that they are afraid. They fear failure. Truth be told, failure is not really failure if we learn from it. If we keep following a consistently failing path, however, that’s a very serious problem. Most of us can clearly see that business as usual today will lead the majority of Americans to a life of lack, struggle and failure. Yet, so many people continue to run like little rats on wheels. They know they’re going in circles but they’re afraid to jump off the wheel. The definition of insanity is; doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. I know the fear that holds people back. They must push past it though. As one of the top motivational books out there advises; Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.
Let’s get back to why I love YTB. It’s not for the money. There was a YTB presentation or something that mentioned Coach. He was destined to do great things as his mother had always told him he would. He struggled and had to deal with death as well in his life. Through all of his many struggles he kept that burning desire for greatness within him. He held fast to what his mother told him on her dying bed. He could almost hear his mother whispering to him saying, “You are going to do great things in your life Son…Great things.” Thus far in Coach’s life, everything his mother spoke over his life has come to fruition. He has done and continues to do great things.
My father consistently spoke those same words over my life when I was a boy. He said, “Darrick I do not know what or how, but God will pour a great blessing on you and you will not even know where it came from!” Well, I now know exactly what vehicle God is using to pour great blessings on my life. I found it with YTB. My thought patterns have changed dramatically. Understand that it is not the monetary success that I am referring to here, though monetary success is a major component of YTB. I have seen many people who have gotten into YTB and within a few short months they have completely replaced their salaries. Others have doubled and even tripled their salaries. That is exceptional, but that is not why YTB has been such a blessing in my life.
My thoughts have changed due to YTB and with the change in my thoughts my life has also changed. It is just as Dr. Wayne Dyer says in his book, “Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life”. That’s really how it works. The voice of success and the spirit of abundance that have taken over in my life are simply undeniable and irresistible. It drives me forward. It’s that voice that comes out when it can no longer be kept down. It drowns out all negativity. It moves me to take positive actions everyday. It won’t allow me to be idle. What is that spirit? It is the spirit of success and hard work. It is a blessing from God. Failure is not an option. YTB awakened the sleeping giant of ultimate success within me and I am doing things that I never even dreamed of doing before. I’m unstoppable!
Individuals do not believe me when I tell them that I have never consistently written before. Well, prior to joining YTB, I had not written consistently. Greatness propels me forward and I just have to go with this blessing that my father told me God had in store for me. I remember it all started with an email that I sent out about the YTB opportunity. I wrote a message to tell others about what this business was doing for me and how in just a short time it had change my family’s life and my life. And “BAM!” A light flashed on. Someone called in response to my message. A few people answered my e-mails and wanted to learn how gain their financial freedom with YTB. I was and still am amazed.
Writing about YTB made me really see and appreciate the power of the pen coupled with YTB. I found a new gift thanks to YTB after writing my first few messages. So I decided to send another message and another. It was like discovering a new calling in life. I’ve found that I sincerely like to write. I have a lot to say. People need to hear my story because it inspires them to connect with their own story. What’s even more of a blessing is that people tell me all the time how much they enjoy and appreciate my message. That means more to me than words can say.
As the light within me grew brighter and brighter I asked myself a significant question. Why not write a book? I don’t want to just talk about writing a book as so many people do. I want to write it. Being a part of YTB has stirred up something very powerful within me. I’ve tasted success. I know what it means to set a goal and work for it. I know how very satisfying it feels to reach my goals. I have enjoyed the sweet taste of success thanks to YTB. It’s touching every area of my life and now I want more!
I want to share this feeling and the satisfaction of building wealth with others. I want to create something that will share the secrets of true success, help others to change the way they think, thus changing their lives in a profound and powerful way. So with that said, my first book will be done by January 1, 2008 thanks to God pouring blessings into my life through YTB. I also know that my business will blossom from this point on.
The name of my book is “Life Behind Invisible Bars”. Thanks to the inspiring story from Coach and the book, Shoot for the Stars, I asked myself why not write this book? There was nothing to lead me to believe that I shouldn’t. In fact, everything seems to indicate that I should. All the profits from the book will go to The Michigan Lupus Foundation of which I act as treasurer. I know the importance of making a decision and dealing with it. The foundation is officially known as the LNFMSF Foundation. It has been in existence for 5 years and it is growing. The year 2008 will be a breakout year for us at the LNFMSF ( because I am speaking that over the foundation. There is power in that. I am also willing to put in the work and effort to make it a reality. My goal is to make Michigan’s Lupus Foundation a household name, raise funds for the foundation and to help countless lupus survivors in the process.
In closing I would like to make a special request. If YTB would be willing to sponsor a portion of the book, I will include an entire chapter devoted to my 7 months in this extraordinary business. If YTB helps me to help make this worthy project into a shining success, I will also include an entire page with the YTB information on it recognizing the company as a sponsor. This will make YTB known to a greater target market and it will demonstrate to people what I already know about the company. That is that YTB is more than just a business, it’s people helping people. That’s why I love YTB.
Posted by Darrick at 4:54 AM 0 comments
YTB Guru tells his secrets to success
YTB Guru
Brian McLane sinks his teeth into YTB
By Kevin Davis
Who is this Brian McLane person and how is he growing his business so quickly?
Now that is an interesting question! As the CEO of AMM GROUP, INC, Brian has spent the past 7 years as an internet marketing consultant. Helping to guide both small businesses and billion dollar companies through the challenges of internet marketing, he has established himself as a recognized leader in the industry. He has taken those skills and applied them to his first attempt in Network Marketing. "It is all about helping others to be successful, that's the secret" states McLane.
Married for 15 years with 2 wonderful daughters, Mr. McLane realizes the true successes in life have to do with time, not money. "When was the last time you went to school and had lunch with your kids? You can't put a price on that." Although he acknowledges he has been blessed financially, he attributes that success to the success of the companies he has helped. "It took me a few years, but eventually I realized that the more I helped these companies succeed, the more money I would make. It stopped becoming about making money, and started becoming about helping others. Once I committed to that philosophy, the money took care of itself."
Brian thought he was the only one that shared in that philosophy, until he was introduced to YTB. When he was first introduced to YTB by his brother-in-law, Steve Wojchowski, he liked the idea of owning an online travel agency, but did not like the idea of MLM. Having no network marketing experience and a misconception that he had to recruit family and friends to make money, he chose to not participate in the business opportunity. Little did he know, that 5 months later, that YTB was about to change his life. "Once I saw Steve having success in the business, I took it upon myself to take another look. When I realized that Steve would be retiring from the grocery business after only 7 months with YTB, I decided to take a VERY close look at the opportunity." Just 8 days later, Mr. McLane had broken every record YTB had ever seen and personally sponsored over 30 people in YTB making $7000 in that short time. The rest is still history in the making.
Today Brian finds himself committing most of his time to helping others. You will find him on a conference call, a web conference, in a hotel meeting room or even a one on one meeting at a local coffee shop. "There is no shortage of people looking to change their financial situation, so I never have nothing to do!" says McLane. "It is sometimes difficult to balance my family at home with my YTB family. My wife and kids know that I am building a future for us and understand that it takes much of my time now. It is clearly understood that when we have family time, I turn off my cell phone and laptop and give them all of my attention".
When asked why he is so passionate about YTB and this opportunity, he takes a second, gets a big smile on his face and simply says, "Where else can you make an incredible living, helping others to help themselves? It is genuinely fun. I don't consider it work. I get paid to travel, show others how to save money when they travel, and make money while helping others. How do you beat that?"
Posted by Darrick at 1:44 AM 2 comments
YTB Growing and Profitable
November 14, 2007
Company Reports Record Revenues of $39.9 Million
WOOD RIVER, Ill., November 14, 2007 -- YTB International, Inc. (OTC PK: YTBLA) ("YTB" or the "Company"), a provider of Internet-based travel booking services for travel agencies and home-based independent representatives in the United States, today announced its financial results for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2007.
Total revenue for the quarter ended September 30, 2007 increased 203.5% to $39.9 million compared to $13.1 million for the third quarter last year. Revenue generated from online travel store sales and monthly fees from Referring Travel Agents ("RTAs") in the third quarter of 2007 was $28.7 million, compared to $9.0 million in the third quarter of 2006. Revenue from travel agency commissions in the third quarter of 2007 was $5.5 million, compared to $2.0 million for the same period last year. Also, training programs and marketing materials revenue increased in the third quarter of 2007 to $3.7 million, from $1.5 million in the prior year quarter.
Net income for the third quarter of 2007 was $2.1 million, or $0.02 per diluted share, compared to a net loss of ($4.4) million, or ($0.05) per diluted share, for the third quarter of 2006.
Total revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 2007 increased 207.6% to $95.9 million, compared to $31.2 million for the same period last year. Revenue generated from online travel store sales and monthly fees from RTAs for the nine months ended September 30, 2007 was $69.0 million, compared to $22.5 million for the same period in 2006. Revenue from travel agency commissions for the first nine months of 2007 was $13.9 million, compared to $5.1 million for the same period last year. Training programs and marketing materials revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 2007 was $10.4 million, up from $2.9 million in the same period last year.
Net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2007 was $1.6 million, or $0.01 per diluted share, compared to a net loss of ($6.0) million, or ($0.07) per diluted share, for the same period in 2006.
"We are proud to report our second consecutive quarter of profitability and record revenue and net income figures of $39.9 million and $2.1 million respectively. This accomplishment was achieved despite certain one-time costs incurred during the period that are related to the continued expansion of our infrastructure in order to support our growing number of RTAs and to improve our services," stated Scott Tomer, Chief Executive Officer of YTB International. "In the first nine months of 2007 alone, we have doubled the size of our RTA network to more than 134,000 RTAs, and we see no signs of slowing down. Our success did not go unnoticed. Travel Weekly named us one of the top eleven leisure travel agencies and one of the 35 largest travel agencies overall for 2006."
Mr. Tomer continued, "We have high expectations for YTB International's future and are expanding our infrastructure and training capabilities in order to handle our continued growth. Our new RTAs will need the best tools and training. To meet this need, we recently launched a proprietary Web-based training certification and testing program, 'YTB E-Campus,' designed by Dr. Marc Mancini, one of the travel industry's most highly respected speakers, educators and consultants. This training program offers our RTAs a unique opportunity to hone their skills to successfully sell travel and build their businesses."
About YTB International
Recognized as the 35th largest seller of travel in the U.S. by Travel Weekly, YTB International, Inc. provides Internet-based travel booking services for travel agencies and home-based independent representatives in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. It operates through three subsidiaries:, Inc., YTB Travel Network, Inc., and REZconnect Technologies, Inc. division focuses on marketing on-line travel agencies through a nationwide network of Independent Marketing Representatives, or "IMRs." YTB Travel Network division establishes and maintains travel vendor relationships, books travel transactions of on-line travel agents (RTAs,) collects travel payments and licensing fees, and processes travel commissions. Each RTA sells travel through a personalized Internet-based travel Website. The REZconnect Technologies division builds online reservation systems for suppliers within the travel industry. For more information, visit
Posted by Darrick at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
With Success There will be Doubters
I'm planning to spend my time in the coming blogs to discuss, in my opinion, the good and bad guys in the travel business especially the MLM companies, and the "card mills." This month we will concentrate on YTB. Keep in mind that the opinions shared are my own and not of any company or organization. I have researched the information provided, therefore, my comments are factual. Again, any opinions expressed are my own.
I don't know what it is about MLM companies and card mills that I like to write about. It's probably because I am the CEO of a nationally known Host Agency and am much closer to their activities than most. Most importantly, I never like people taking advantage of others for a profit unless both are on equal footing. MLM's have always been around and probably always will be. At least I will do my small part in bringing these people out from under their rocks.
You will need to know a little bit about YTB International and then we will get down to the good stuff.
YTB International, a public company since 2004 has a multi segmented business model and operates through three subsidiaries, YOUR TRAVEL BIZ.COM, YTB TRAVEL NETWORK INC and REZCONNECT TECHNOLOGIES INC.
YOUR TRAVEL BIZ is the marketing arm that establishes online travel agencies and compensates them via a multi-level commission structure. YTB TRAVEL NETWORK contracts with online travel agencies providing online booking systems, fulfills orders and pays commissions. REZCONNECT operates VACATION CENTRAL providing online booking engines and also franchises travel agencies such as in Wal-Mart stores. I understand that they have lost most of the Wal-Mart businesses. VACATION CENTRAL also claims to be a "Host Agency." If that is the truth than I'm the tooth fairy.
YTB and its subsidiaries are very controversial in the manner in which they do business and recruit consumers to sell travel as well as participate in their alleged pyramid schemes. They operate mostly outside the mainstream travel industry and are not members of the more notable travel organizations either by choice or simply due to ineligibility. YTB claims to have over 60,000 consumers signed up to which they have issued photo ID cards. I use the word consumer as opposed to travel agents because the vast majority of their base are naive consumers who constantly fall for their MLM skullduggery. To be fair, there is also a group of experienced and serious travel agents among the mix. Many of them are beginning to see the light and moving on. The others that hang in there like the possibilities that dual income potentials offer, but they are the ones who think they can become rich quickly. Like any MLM scheme, the ones at the top or the one who came in early are the only ones that stand a chance.
YTB and other similar companies are still courted by most of the travel suppliers. The reason is simple. Sell to whoever will buy your product. I can't blame them, I would probably do the same. I feel that many suppliers now see the advantage of a well trained travel agent and are now offering all kinds of resources to the serious travel agent. That is where the future lies and not filling up their fam trips with hobbyists seeking a cheap vacation. MLM and card mill members far outnumber the legitimate travel agent. We need to turn this around.
I have personally talked with YTB affiliates on the phone and at travel shows and have received mixed comments. My Host Agency and other Hosts regularly sign up the more serious YTB agents. Other YTB people live and die YTB. Trying to talk to these people is about as difficult as trying to talk someone into leaving a cult. They are totally brainwashed as this is the effect MLM companies leave with you. You just need to visit their chat rooms to see this. Others are confused and those are the ones who will ask me and others questions.
There are very few YTB agents making any money. MLM schemes have been around since the cave man and will be around until our world is gone. There have been a few successful and profitable MLM companies around such as Mary Kay and Amway but YTB is not one of them.
Here are a few facts about YTB you may want to know if you are contemplating becoming a follower.
* YTB has never made a profit since it started operations and has accumulated 14 million dollars in losses to date.
* YTB has not filed its financials for all of 2006 and to date.
* YTB has been de-listed from the O-T-C Bulletin and now shows on the so called "Pink Sheet" because it failed to file its financial reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
* YTB's stock has been on the rise lately due to its overzealous affiliates running up the stock price. YTB refers to these affiliates as "Gung Ho's." At the same time one of the corporate officers has been selling his stock.
* YTB revenues come mainly from selling business opportunities rather than from selling its core product; travel.
* YTB guarantees a minimum commission for recruiting even more participants.
* One of YTB's operators include a minister whose primary accomplishment is building a large church congregation.
* YTB's compensation program is tied to the promise to issue large blocks of stock at a set price much below today's market price.
In summary, multi-level marketing is not illegal. Most collapse because of potential abuses in the business structure that creates the condition of a Ponzi scheme. Many MLM companies collapse within 5 years. What are YTB's real numbers? Can YTB's current business model ever be profitable? Would regulators be concerned if YTB participants are being encouraged to form an affinity group to buy the stock? What are the legal and financial effects of promises of large blocks of below market stock into an MLM organization at $1.00 per share?
Consumers or potential travel agents looking at YTB and other MLM companies and card mills such as Pro-Travel, World Ventures, Travelwize, Coastal Vacation Club, Travelogia, VIP Travel Team and GTI should be careful and don't fall for the hype, gimmicks and high pressure tactics. If you are serious about travel seek out a reputable Host Agency and not one of these bums.
Posted by Darrick at 1:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Roger Bannister Did it So You Can Too
Roger Bannister Did it so you Can Too
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
Well maybe you can’t run a sub 4 minute mile so what, but can you become a director Level 1 or even a director level 5 yes, why because it has been done. The difficult part has been done for you. In 1954 it was a supposed fact that no one would ever be able to run under a 4 minute mile, now that seems like a long time, but 50 years in the entire scheme of thing is very short. Well since Roger did it in 1954 over 20,000 additional individuals have done it since, including high school students, what changed gravity, no it’s just that once someone sees that is it possible it gives everyone the confidence that it can be done.
Well I know that within a short period of time I will become a director level 1 then level 2, level 3 then level 5 like Judy and Ron Head, or Bill and Anne Hoffman, they did it so it is possible, did it take hard work, did it take some sacrifices yes, but if you want it bad enough you will be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to make your dreams a reality. Think to yourself, what would you do if you had $100K a month coming in month after month, what would your life be like, well I have already decided the home I will buy the car I want, the Financial planner to help me manage the money. In life sometimes you have to speak success into existence, it is not that difficult, start by telling the ones closest to you, once that happens nature takes over, it’s in the universe that he or she has a commitment to do something different, if you just persist long enough you will succeed.
Most give up quit to fast, what if Russell Simmons of Def Jam gave up when things were not easy, at one time he was 5-7 million dollars in debt without a plan to get out, but he did not give up, he did not quit, he stood strong when others laughed. The same for Phat Pharm the powers to be in the clothing industry blew him off when he said he wanted to produce a line of clothes specifically for the Hip Hop world, it had never been done before, well the powers to be, the suits I call them with the Harvard MBA’s all said it will never work, well I did some research before writing this article and he and his empire did almost 800 Million in 2006. So much for the nay sayers, don’t worry if 0 people believe you will be a director, the only one that counts is you. Become thick skinned oblivious to criticism, you will be on your way. There is a very famous saying by Henry Ford If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. In closing I would like to ask all that think they can change their current situation, you have decided that enough is enough you need to give me a call, I am on my way to becoming a director at YTB and I want to take you along for the ride.
Your next opportunity to become a Director
Sunday November 11th 313-790-3680
2PM /31800 Northwestern Hwy Ste 205 Farmington Hills Mi 48334
There is no fuss and fanfare about Bannister. When he was asked to explain that first four-minute mile—and the art of record breaking—he answered with original directness: 'It's the ability to take more out of yourself than you've got.'"
Posted by Darrick at 4:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 9, 2007
An Open invitation To Help Me: Help
This is An Open Invitation to Help Me, Help
Is there a specific plan behind my writing? Is there a greater purpose in place? I am writing to find that inner voice inside of myself. My intention is to connect with that creative force within that creates best selling books and programs that will help people change their lives. I also want to help people help other people. Together we can change the entire world one person at a time. Writing is one of the tools that I have chosen to use toward that end. The goal is for me to become a better writer everyday. I want to become the best writer that I can possibly be in order to effectively communicate ideas, concepts and explain systems and success strategies. It takes practice, however, to become more than one might be. I'm up to it though. I have got to work at it day in and day out. It is a life-changing process to push myself in this way, but I know that to be able to change the lives of others, I must first change my own. And so on I push.
To build and accomplish great things in life, one must have a very motivating and powerful WHY--a reason that is so compelling that one can leap tall buildings in a single bound. What is my WHY? You would be correct to assume that to push myself in this way I would have to be divinely inspired. I am. The idea to write a book has come to me over the past couple of years. Over time the idea has turned into a dream and the dream has developed into a goal. Yes! I have finally disciplined myself and have taken the dynamic action required in order to make my goal into a reality. I diligently put my nose to the grindstone day in and day out to bring this goal to fruition. The fruits of my efforts are already evident and my vision of becoming a published author is well on its way.
I write with a very specific purpose in mind as write this message to you. You need to really hear me. There is much more at stake here than just my desire to become a published author. I ask now that you hang in here with me on this. It's very important. I ask that you push yourself beyond most people's typical attention span. Please focus on what I am communicating to you. We are all in need of assistance from time to time. I usually do not ask for help. Wait. Let me change that. While I seldom ask for any personal favors, I will ask and ask often for help for the Lupus Foundation of which I am the treasurer.
The Lupus Foundation serves a mighty purpose in this world. It exists solely for the many people who need help and perhaps cannot ask for themselves. I am truly honored to be able to ask for them. Help! The CDC reports that lupus affects an estimated 239,000 (conservatively) people in the United States. About nine out of 10 people who have lupus are women. Approximately one third of deaths occur among men and women younger than 45. During 1979-1998, the annual number of deaths from lupus rose from 879 to 1,406 and the crude death rate increased from 39 to 52 per million population, with a total of 22,861 deaths reported during this 20-year period. Help! Please recognize here and now that my life's mission is not solely focused on creating books or a brand for myself. There is a real purpose behind my plan. My goal is also to make Michigan's Lupus Foundation into a household name and help countless lupus survivors in the process.
Lupus must be combated. This can and will happen with your assistance. I am looking for individual and corporate sponsors to help me publish my book, Life Behind Invisible Bars. The total cost for development, production, marketing and advertising will be around 10K. This is a very modest figure considering what it takes within the scope of writing and publishing a book. What's more is that this is a book that will no doubt touch the hearts, minds and lives of people all over this country. All profits from the book will go directly to the Latreese Nicole Fagan Memorial Scholarship Foundation . This foundation came to be because of a loving, intelligent, beautiful, hard-working and ambitious young woman named Latreese Nicole Fagan. She was a lovely young woman and a beautiful spirit who has inspired the founders to build the Lupus Foundation as a memorial to her short but very meaningful life.
Life Behind Invisible Bars, will focus on helping people to achieve success despite the barriers or bars that surround and try to hold them back. This book will incorporate and bring together a body of important information, education, resources and unique features. It will serve as a blueprint for success as it chronicles my own path through challenges, over obstacles, around problems, under barriers and on to success. This book will show every reader that there is absolutely nothing that can stop a person if he or she will just hold on and keep on keeping on—day in and day out. As Zig Ziglar puts it, "Failure is an event—not a person."
There will also be special bonus chapters included in the book that will feature the words of some extremely successful friends of mine who have graciously agreed to donate their expertise and knowledge of success systems and wealth attainment for this worthy cause. Trust me, these stellar individuals are at the top of their games. An hour consultation with any one of them would run into the thousands of dollars because, the information, insight and advice that they have to share is the STUFF of dreams and true transformation. Every reader will be able to take something solid and life altering from this book. It will change lives!
In addition to the bonus chapters provided by my exemplary friends, there will be the poignant story of how The Latreese Nicole Fagan Scholarship Fund was created. Make no mistake, this is an important story that desperately needs to be told because, as quiet as it is kept, the death rate among African American women ages 45-64 years has increased seventy five percent (75%), and more than one-third of all deaths from SLE occurred among persons less than forty-five (45) years of age. Lupus is three times more common in black women than in white women. It is also more common in women of Hispanic/Latina, Asian, and American Indian descent. Black and Hispanic/Latina women tend to develop symptoms at an earlier age than other women. African Americans have more severe organ problems, especially with their kidneys. This book will not allow what is happening with lupus to be kept quiet any longer. Lupus will be exposed with this book.
This powerful book will also help current lupus survivors and their families to better understand the why, how and the 'what' of dealing with lupus. They will be able to read about what dealing with the disease has meant for other lupus patients and their loved ones. It will offer support, provide them with a way to reach out to one another and let them know that they are not alone. Life Behind Invisible Bars, will let lupus survivors and their families know that people really do care.
The Lupus Foundation has been a labor of love not only for myself but also due to the close nit relationship I was blessed to share with Latreese. She was my cousin, but Latreese was more like the sister that I never had. She was and is an angel in my life. Everyone who was fortunate enough to know Latreese will attest to the same. My dear mother and Latreese were far more than mere relatives. They were the best of friends. During the course of any given day, my mother would often pause and say, "I need to go and see how my Tricie is doing." Soon after she'd uttered the words my mother would be off to see Latreese. They shared a very special bond.
The ironic thing about my mother's and Latreese's relationship is that they passed away exactly one year apart from one another. Get this; they both passed away in the month of May. My mother was buried in May of 2000. Latreese passed away the following year in the month of May and on the very same day of the month. They are both my angels and this project is a labor of my undying love for them both. It is also a labor of my love for all of the beautiful hearts and souls out there that have been and will be affected by lupus. I want us to help those people. I know that my mother and Latreese would want us to help them. Will you help me help them?
Help! I need your help to offset the cost of producing this book. Your donation of any size will be greatly appreciated. I am asking you to please get out of your shell and rise from your comfort zone. You can make a difference. We can make a difference in the lives of so many precious people. I send letters and emails of encouragement to let you know the many strategies and resources available for you in this world if you decide you want it bad enough. I freely give all of my knowledge and expertise to you. I want you to succeed. I've proven that. Today there are people counting on you to decide that you are going to make a difference and give of yourself to help someone else. Whether you can donate $25.00 or $2500.00, it will all be used toward further development of the vital work of The Lupus Foundation.
Most of us have heard of Jerry's Kids or The American Cancer Foundation, but most have never heard of the Lupus Foundation . This is not because the other foundations are doing anything better or more meaningful than the Lupus Foundation is doing. It is due to lack of education, lack of exposure and to a huge degree, lack of funding. FUNDING is always the key to getting resources in place to help those facing a debilitating and deadly disease like lupus. Again, the death rate among African American women ages 45-64 years has increased seventy five percent (75%), and more than one-third of all deaths from SLE occurred among persons less than forty-five (45) years of age.
We need funding to fight lupus. It's that plain. It's that simple. When I look within my heart I see a vision of Latreese and what this foundation is doing to honor her memory by helping other lupus survivors. I know that she would be so pleased that we are helping people with lupus through scholarships, education and information. She was a very hard-working student and studied throughout her life to excel academically. There are many young women appreciate Latreese who would like the same opportunity to succeed. So please find it is your heart to assist us with this very worthy project to fund The Lupus Foundation here in Michigan. There are NO paid employees and there is NO compensation for meetings—well, sometimes we do get some great chicken wings during our monthly meetings. Seriously, it is a labor of love for everyone involved.
This project will happen. This is your opportunity to be a part of something that will affect the lives of thousands of patients suffering from this excruciatingly debilitating disease. Are the people affected and who will be affected with lupus worth the effort and concern? Do you feel that more people should know about lupus? Can you see how much good a project like this will do? Have you ever wanted to really be an important part of something bigger than yourself? Will you help me help?
The deadline for this book is January 1,2008. Time is short. We know that in life it is better to give than to receive. Without a shadow of a doubt, I know that I will be blessed for serving this cause. What I am working to accomplish is going to touch people's hearts and save people's lives. This is an opportunity for you to touch people's hearts and save people's lives. You too will be a blessing and therefore blessed. What we work to manifest through God, here and now with this book, will continue to grow long after you and I have passed away. That's just how POWERFUL this is.
Please fight any temptation to just toss this request aside as so many do when it comes to donations. I know that it's a challenge. I have a family. I have bills. Believe me, I understand. I hear you saying, "Man money is tight! I can't afford to help others." Yes, you can. Can I afford to take my focus off of YTB and real estate and finances? No—but YES I CAN! Actually, what we can't afford is to block our blessings. I know how giving and receiving work in this world. We must plant seeds. I can almost guarantee that you will receive back at least twice the amount that you donate to this cause. Yes, you are going to receive back everything you give and then you are going to get double for your trouble. That's just how it works when you give.
I am willing to do one better. I am willing to work for it. If you need your grass cut, house cleaned, repair your credit for free, (you heard me!) I will do it. I am committed to this cause. I will do whatever it takes to help life-changing project to become a reality. I am asking that you think about what you can really afford to give. If all you can donate to this cause is $25.00, that's fine. I just request that you give what you can and please let other caring folks know about what we are doing. Ask five of your closest friends to give with you. Whatever you do, please just find time in your busy schedule to give to a good cause.
I am giving of my time and money to make this a reality. Move out of your comfort zone please. Find out how much your friends or family members have to donate to this cause. I know for a fact that many of us have seen the 9 th installment of "The Pirates of the Caribbean" or even the newly released, "Why Did I Get Married?" Many of us went out after watching the picture; we ate, laughed and talked about how talented Tyler Perry is. Maybe you went to work the next day and openly discussed aspects of the movie. Many cast their votes as to whether they like it or not. Listen. It doesn't matter whether you liked the movie or not or if you have any idea why you got married. The movie created a conversation. (Just getting you to talk about the film is the result of hidden sales techniques by the way. When I come back to you for next week we'll discuss some of that. This will all be in addition to getting a very worthwhile book published. Actually, this will help you to start to find your own voice.)
You, yes you can make a difference today if you decide to. Just take action! Call me. E-mail me. Visit our site for a donation form at: or go to and send your donation through PayPal to please. Everything else that you may have been chatting about lately regarding Freedom, the movies, politics, the weather, etc., are all well and good, but you could not cut your teeth on a better subject to network and discuss than what we are doing with the The Lupus Foundation.
Tell your friends, family and co-workers about what is being done here in Michigan with the Foundation . Tell them about our fast approaching deadline for a cause that will help countless people forced to deal with an awful disease that is affecting so many people. Help!
Help me to do something positive that will ultimately be a blessing for us all. Sure, Brittany, her antics and her visitation rights may out-rate this cause in the daily news and gossip columns, but when real history is examined and reviewed, it is causes like this that will make a lasting impression on the world. Let's do something that really matters.
I appreciate you for taking the time to read this letter. I thank you in advance for any donations that will help us make this happen.
All donations are 100% tax deductible.
Please Send All Donation to
Makes Checks or Money Orders
P.O. Box 19370
Detroit, MI 48219
Pay Pal Donations Accepted
Posted by Darrick at 2:32 AM 0 comments
You have got to Love Coach Tomer
This is the brief, touching story of J. Lloyd Tomer, a former pastor who was fired from his church in the early 1980s for busing in black children to his church. Now he's helping other "losers" who are sick and tired of losing.
Date August 10, 2006. Time: 2 a.m.
After driving all night thru clam-chowder fog, we finally saw St. Louis Arch. . . .Gateway to the West. Symbol of Opportunity. Silver monument of dreams-come-true. And we were going to be with at least 8,000 more sick and tired people at, off all places, The America's Center on Washington Street, downtown St. Louis. It was the right place. But little did we realize that this time, it was truly "our time."
But my husband Kenny and I, along with our soon-to-be-college graduate son Roger, were just like most Americans who've been kicked around by life. We thought dreams were for those who were born into it. We didn't believe that anyone really cared about people of color who wanted more out of life. . . .until we met this white 73 year old who has a 7 year old daughter. . . .and we affectionately call him "The Coach."
If J. Lloyd Tomer needs a book, then I'm going to ask him if I can write it. And in as few words as possible I'm going to tell you why.
J. Lloyd Tomer lost his wife to cancer when she was just 39 years old. His son Scott Tomer blamed God for 25 years until Scott's best friend lost a battle to cancer, but not before his dying friend introduced him to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Coach was a preacher who loved people, not just white people. An influential big wig in the church he ministered called Coach to the carpet so to speak, and said that there is no way he would allow any preacher, especially J. Lloyd Tomer, to bus in anybody's child that was darker than his own skintone.
In fact, Coach recalled the conversation well (for a man who looks like he's in his late 50s). He said this man told him, basically (paraphrase) "This is a church for white children, and if you keep bringing in (the n word, non-whites) they you won't have a job here anymore.
So, when Coach kept bringing in God's rainbow coalition, the promise was kept. He got fired.
The same year, he lost his wife to cancer. She was only 39. He lost all of his "white Christian" friends. He lost a WHOLE lot of money and made less than $11,000 that year. Yes, Coach needed a coach. He was depressed, but he did not give up. Even when his sons Frank and Scott gave up on him, Coach DID NOT GIVE UP!
That's the message of countless people in the Success at Home Magazine coming out the end of this year. I can't tell you the entire story about Juliet St. John, (page 98) a single mother sleeping in her car now making millions because of YTB; I can't tell you the full story about Kevin g-g-g-g-Giguere, (page 110) a former grocer store manager who commuted more than 100 miles one way to work, stocking shelves and bagging groceries who was a skeptic of YTB but after 10 months is making more than $100,000 a year with free full medical insurance and $100,000 FREE life insurance for his family.
I can't tell you all of the stories of black, white, brown, yellow, homeless people, people who already had money, people who wished they could provide for their elderly parents, people broken up from divorce who found YTB to be a Godsend of a business for them. Coach even took the nation's top attorney, Ted Lindauer with him to to Macon GA during convention week to help Jerome Hughes in a critical situation for his family. And Jerome Hughes is a black man whose son was in drug and legal trouble.
But Coach respected Jerome enough to tell the judge who was ready to lock up Jerome's teen age son into prison for at least 3 years, that the boy deserved another chance and that he'd give him a job at YTB, as well as be responsible personally for his drug rehab.
(How many multimillionaires do you know who would hire your drug-addicted child and support your family, not for show, but out of unconditional love? J. Lloyd Tomer did. And he does not discriminate!)
There is story after story like this of people who life had just kicked in the teeth, and YTB gave them the strength and the support to kick back and say "How ya' like me now?!"
So I guess you're just going to have to wait for the magazine, or send me your address so I can mail you an advanced copy that has the dual disk DVD/CD explaining everything, along with how you can make $20 for every copy you hand out if you want your own travel website. One person can't do it all. That's why we're a YTB team, all over the world.
You see now y'all, this YTB is not just a business. I ain't just another "deal". . . .YTB is family. YTB is for real! And they promise all of their member $6,000. No one else has the guts, and the love that the rest of the business world forgot.
So come join us if you're ready for a change. Because we're ready to show you the world, and teach you how to take a PAYcation. . . .all, over, the world.
As of 8/11/06: YTB Guarantees every RTA makes $6,000 in 12 months! If you don’t, then YTB PROMISES to pay you the difference. GUARANTEED FAMILY INCOME! ( If you haven’t guessed yet, 99 percent of authors are broke.
Note from cynth'ya: As a powerteam leader in YTB, (the highest earning level after just being in the business since March 2006, it would be wrong for me not to tell those about something life changing and history changing. As of December 2006, bookstores all over the US and Canada will be graced with magazine after magazine talking about other Beverly Hills and movie stars, except for one.
This one very special magazine called "Success from Home": Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2007. What's so special about this is you'll see on the cover, three guys who've been kicked around by life by people who made promises who never kept them, and they set out to change that when the rest of the world say they were crazy. It's accompanied by articles by Les Brown and Robert Kiyosaki.
But mostly, this magazine is about how Americans can make it again in a world gone selfish and corporate. These men of YTB are about supporting "the losers" and helping the little guy to finally win! Opportunity Knocks. Anyone Home?"
Posted by Darrick at 12:07 AM 18 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Constanly Try to Top Yourself
Constantly Try to Top Yourself
by Donald J. Trump
Blog Image
“No person who is enthusiastic about his work has anything to fear from life.” -- Samuel Goldwyn
Lots of people are unable to motivate themselves. They don't know how to move themselves into a position to succeed.
I believe that success starts with your attitude. You must be convinced that you will succeed! When you think that nothing can stop you, others will adopt your view. They will support you, jump on your bandwagon, and contribute to your success. They will give you help that they won't provide to people who don't believe in themselves.
One key is to learn to project a winning, confident attitude that inspires success.
Begin by working with your internal processes. For example, change the way you greet each day. Before you get out of bed, take a few moments to welcome the day. Think of the reasons why today can be special or important for your future. Say aloud to yourself, "What a great day!" Think about how you can make wonderful things happen.
As ideas flow through your mind, feel the enthusiasm that your positive attitude has generated and the smile on your face.
You'll be amazed at how energetic it will make you feel. That energy will carry you through the day and help you to be happier and more productive.
It is also critical to challenge yourself. I thrive on challenges -- on doing what others think cannot be done. I use challenges for self-motivation.
To me, the best challenges are the ones I give myself. At this point in my life, I don't need to impress anyone, but I still need to satisfy my own goals and become involved in things that excite me.
After Trump Tower was completed and hailed as such a rousing success, I knew it was just the beginning. I wanted more. I needed to become involved in larger-scale projects.
The lesson is to compete with yourself. Don’t be a one-hit wonder. After you succeed, find ways to surpass what you’ve already done. I am convinced that no matter what I do, I can always to something bigger and better.
Always try to reach new heights, with bigger and better results. Being satisfied can only undermine your future and keep you from reaching your potential.
Posted by Darrick at 4:13 AM 0 comments
People Make Mistakes all the time
So many people are afraid to make a mistake.
And if you are fearful of making a mistake-you are interfering
with the very process that will make you successful.
This is a strong point.
This is a very hard lesson for many people to learn.
Mistakes are not the end of the world; they're your opening to
a whole new world of existence.
I want you to think on the many things that used to be hard for
you but now they are easy.
Remember when throwing a football was hard.
Remember when braiding hair was hard.
Remember when reading and writing were hard.
Learning how to ride a bike was hard.
And you have forgotten about all of the things that were
extremely hard; like learning to roll over, to crawl, to stand,
to walk, to run, to get dressed, to feed yourself, etc, etc...
All of these things were once very, very difficult to achieve.
You struggled, you made a ton of mistakes. Yet you can do
them with ease now, right?
'Sho you Right.'
Do you know what this means?
It means that anything you want to learn, the same rules will
At first you'll make mistakes.
You will struggle.
Then you'll make fewer mistakes because the mistakes are
teaching you WHAT you need to know and what to do.
And if you pay close attention, the next thing that comes up
you'll be able to do that too.
It's really that simple.
But... But if you whine and complain and cry about your
mistakes, you'll never get anywhere. You'll begin to think
poorly about yourself and the only results you get will not
make you happy.
So don't fear mistakes. Use mistakes as your guide to
correction and perfection.
Mistakes lead to Greatness - but only if you stop fearing them
and judging them as bad.
See Mistakes aren't as bad as you thought they were.
So get started making mistakes and correcting and improving
your way to Greatness.
To Your Victory and Success
Bro. Bedford
Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, and Trainer
Posted by Darrick at 2:54 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
Great News About the Power of YTB
Top Stories & Trends
Carnival's Freed Expresses Support for All "Agents"
Published on: November 2, 2007
Carnival Cruise Lines' Vicki Freed said in her weblog that Carnival supports all travel agents that generate sales -- even those that others allege are members of so-called card mills. Freed, Carnival's senior vice president of sales and guest services, responded to a posting from a travel agent on the blog that questioned her apparent support of YTB International, which provides web-based services for travel sellers. Royal Caribbean International recently said it considers YTB a "card mill" and terminated contracts with the organization. Meanwhile, Freed's photo appears in a BizReport at The posting, from an agent identified only as "Heather," alleged that YTB is not in the travel business and only sells websites and secures reduced rate travel.
On her blog, Freed responded: "Your statement of YTB not being in the business of selling travel is interesting because our revenue production suggests differently. It has been published that they sold over $13 million of business with another cruise line and I can assure you that we also have millions of dollars in cruise revenue generated as well." Freed said she attended YTB's conference in early October and saw more than 1,000 attendees in each educational forum. "The desire to learn about the travel business was evident even after I spoke to the general session (over 6,000 attendees) when the CLIA instructor followed me on stage and taught niche marketing," Freed wrote. "No one left the room, and in fact, the overflow ballroom with big screens set up was packed as well. These folks paid for the conference, and there were no free meals or give-aways."
Freed also said she gained a different view of the YTB agents. "For the most part, they are not the traditional travel agent but a part-time agent that is focused in on being a Pied Piper for group business," she wrote. "They call themselves RTAs or Referring Travel Agents." Freed went on to discuss the differences between companies like YTB and host agencies. "I know the argument may be that an average sales-volume-per-member may not be that meaningful," she wrote. "But, truthfully, we have many of models in our database -- including traditional -- that are not solid producers. In fact 60 percent of our travel agencies produce less than 10 guests per year." For more information, visit
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Posted by Darrick at 3:57 AM 0 comments