Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The King of Pop was the First, Now what

In the after math of Michael Jackson's shocking death most are drudging up the past about the problems he was supposed to have. Most are aware of his peculiar behavior and actions, but the thing that sticks out to me most was that he did something that was never done before. Now it is common place in the music industry to do outlandish videos. When Thriller came out as a short film it was cutting edge, people did not know what to think, critics was at a lost for words, but he decided to take a chance and go against the grain. That is the greatness of Michael; we can all learn a thing or two from Mr. Jackson. There always has to be a pioneer, there will always be a first. In the immortal words of Sam Walton "There is really nothing new under the sun", we just take bits and pieces from each to see how it can help our particular business or project.

Go out today and try to think out of the box, stop putting limitations on yourself, the skies the limit. Michael showed us that it is possible to live your dreams, maybe not for ever but for a brief moment in time you too can have it all. Each morning I listen to a very inspirational tape created by nationally recognized Motivational speaker Les Brown and he always talks about this word "Possible" what do you feel is possible. Remember your life is about Choices, Challenges and Change, what choice you are going to make, are you going to be complacent and just live your life as you have till now are you going to take a stand for change and live your life full of possibilities.

You don't have to get it perfect - you just have to get it going. Babies don't walk the first time they try, but eventually they do. - Mark Victor Hansen

To learn more about how My First Michigan Home has tried to break the Real Estate mold and do something different feel free to contact:

Christopher J Shaw


Myfirstmichiganhome@gmail.com My First Michigan Home Inc



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