Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Power of a Made up Mind

It is truly awesome the power of the human mind, especially when you are determined to do something. If we take a journey through our life, lets look at the evolution of what has happened during our short existence. We have seen the rise and fall of the auto industry, the deft deception of big companies to embezzle billions of dollars from the unsuspecting public, this new thing called the internet and kids having cell phones at 7 or 8. We are truly debating whether or not, we are going to elect an African American male or a woman as President of the United States, either way it will be a first. Be honest did you ever think this would happen during our lifetime.

All of that was said to say that times change and you need to be aware of it, I have seen the rise and fall of the Real Estate Market right in front of my eyes, I saw it coming and created a plan of attack to put me in a position to profit and make money when others were still stuck in the game we had been playing. In one week Countrywide, Citibank, and Washington Mutual all raised there hands and said we need help, what are we going to do, we need help from someone, anyone, that is pretty sad I must say so myself. I do not consider myself a genius by any standard, but I could see that things could not stay the way they were, you had individuals working at McDonalds one day and the next day they had the authority to consult someone on the most valuable commodity most individuals ever own and the powers to be really thought this was the way to go and there would not be rampant abuse in this industry. I think not, they knew, but they were oblivious to what the ordinary individual were doing, why you might ask, greed and more greed. In this business everyone makes money, so why stop the juggernaut when it is on a roll.

My mind was made up about 4-5 years ago, to position myself in an arena that will give me more control, have less competition and be the big man on campus. As you can see this has not been an overnight rags to riches story, it has been a plan that has take time to blossom and I am so excited about what I see so far. has assembled the right team members to dominate this real estate market. Trust me someone’s going to make a ton of money over the next 3-5 years why not you. What plans have you implemented to at least improve your chances of success? Have you truly made up your mind that you are tired of the results you are getting? Well what if you can join a group that can assist you in obtaining the freedom that you and I deserve. To be in control of your time, the true dictator of your fortune not some large company that looks at you as just #451407 and you are expendable.

Take control of your life, you are worth it, join a group that will give you what you deserve, Freedom, our group is growing monthly come be a part of it. I’m so excited to be blessed with the vision of what we are on the edge of achieving, at one time it was not common to have a cell phone, it was even more rare to even have a Computer in your home, but now look at almost anyone, child or adult and most have both. Someone had to visualize it before it became a reality; well the vision I have has started to come to fruition. We have big things in store for you, we are not looking for you to exist we want you to live the life you always dreamed, it can and will happen for you, there’s always a but in there somewhere, the thing you must remember, success is a journey taken one step at a time. Consider today, your first day at college you are a freshman, bright eyed and bushy tailed, open to almost anything, you are not yet jaded from the successes or failures that most have endured. What would you have done differently if you had known then, what you know today, there’s probably a lot of I would of or I could have done this or that, well this is your chance to make it all better. Join and start the journey you have been waiting to take, but never had the correct vehicle to get you there; it is here, in its purest form.

Join Today will soon be a household name, join while it’s in its infancy, over the next 12-24 months we have a lot to accomplish and we want you to be a part of it. How would it be to be a part owner of a Marriot Hotel, or a Large Convention Center in Florida or the Cayman Island. Better yet what about being a part of building homes in Africa and having a waiting list of individuals to buy your home before it is even built. will not limit its growth to just the US we are going global.


Darrick H Scruggs


The Power To Be Free

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Week 2 of 2008 has come and Gone

We are knee deep into 2008 what have you done, are you any closer to making the life altering New Years resolutions that you made at the end of 2007. Some of you actually sat down and put time and effort into figuring out that you were not satisfied in 2007. So you decided that you wanted more in 2008 and you did what 95% of the population never achieves. You have a written roadmap to your success in 2008. I know that it is difficult at first to make the transition from a talker to a doer. Well I know that if you want something bad enough you will get off your but and make it happen. It sounds really simple and in the most part, your mind is the key to your success. Take a look back at the previous 13 days and ask yourself honestly what have you done that will bring about a different result in 2008. If we are honest we have probably done a lot of contemplating, but not much of anything else.

Take action on your dreams, it is here for you to take control, all you have to do is take action. If you decide that you really want to change badly enough you will take action. An elderly gentleman once told me that you can either change on your own or you will be forced to change which one are you. This is the information age, the age of you being OK with being average or mediocre is dead and gone, every 3-5 years you will have to upgrade your knowledge base or you will be left behind. If you look at the proliferation of the internet over the last 10 years all you can say is WOW. In 1998 if you asked 10 people what a “GOOGLE” is, 10 out 10 would have said what is a Google, now ask that same question and what will be the answer. So if you look at the big picture it does not take long for things to change in the information age, ready or not it’s changing, so why not be prepared and take action to put yourself in position to take advantage of change. The internet is here to say, so welcome it, learn it, and be well versed in the inner workings of the internet. It can and will make many, many millionaires in the near future.

This is just one area where change is happening very rapidly, we can look at the auto industry and see that it is a business that is on the decline, jobs are being lost daily to outsourcing and other technological improvements. The day and time where you could get a great job at the plant and live a middle class lifestyle will never return, so embrace it and understand that you can have the same lifestyle you just have to have different skill-sets, are you handy, well the building trades and home improvement will not be outsourced, a great handy man can make a significant living if he or she is willing to make a few modifications to the business they run, maybe a web presence or client relationship mechanism that you implement to keep your clients informed about your where about and other need to know information ,IE Specials you are running, referral programs that you have implemented. The easiest, but most overlooked growth would be to have satisfied customers refer other customers to you. Stop worrying so much about new customers and satisfy the one’s you have. What if every customer you acquire has the ability if satisfied to bring 1-3 new clients, well your business can double off every satisfied client.

I have just touched a couple of ideas that can give you the life you desire and deserve. As I stated in an earlier post or article, it all starts and ends with you. The New Year is still in its infancy you have plenty of time to make the necessary corrections to get back on track. Don’t worry about what you haven’t done so far, just worry about what you are going to do today, and tomorrow, the past is long gone and no matter what we say or do we can’t bring it back. Live in the moment sometimes, stop worrying so much about the mistakes you probably will make, so what, we all do it is a part of the learning process, fight through it and give you some valuable me time every day. Take time and ask yourself 2 simple questions.

1. Are you happy with the way your life has been in the past?

2. If you answered as most, what are you willing to do to change your current circumstances?

These 2 simple questions are what I live by, the answer you give will either take you in the direction that you want to go in or it will keep you exactly where you are currently.

Come See What Freedom looks like

The Power to be Free

January 19, 2008 (9:00AM -12:30PM)

Walsh College

Troy Mi 48007

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Think of life as a Pony Canter. If you start small and take easy galloping steps, you can accomplish anything you want. The desire to succeed comes from within. You must take life head-on, with all the challenges that may come your way. If you take the small easy galloping steps, you can plan and prepare a way to get through those challenges, and not around them. There is great joy in getting through a situation, knowing you did everything you were supposed to do. Not cutting corners or finding the easy way out.

Riding a pony with canter takes a great deal of patience, and you must be consistent. Don't rush life, life is a journey. Making that pony gallop faster won't get you what you need any quicker. You can miss out on great opportunities and the important things that life has to offer. Success comes from patience, waiting for the right opportunity, with the right people in your corner.

Everyone can ride the same pony, but can you do it with canter. Can you take an idea, act on it, and build it into something great without cutting corners? Do you have those important pieces of life's puzzle; patience, commitment, determination, and most of all faith?

What is your life like? Stop and take a look in your inner mirror. Decide what you want out of life and how you plan to ride the pony.

Prinscilla Moore
Global Virtual Assistance

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ready, Set ,Go

I know that you are wondering how ready, set, go has anything to do with you. Well I have been an athlete pretty much all my life and I have participated in many sports and they are all based on you being prepared for that certain moment when either the whistle blows for you to start, the buzzer sounds for you to start and end play. Well that is how we should be looking at our lives, our whistle now is the alarm clock and when it is sound that most dread from day to day. Then it gets worse if you work in certain environments you have whistles and buzzers that are sounding all the time to tell you when you can start working, or when you can take a break and even when it’s time to go home. It’s funny when you think about it, in your case you dread that whistle, alarm clock or buzzer going off, what if an elite athlete had the same mindset, his chance of being successful would be very limited.

As an athlete I looked forward to the whistle blowing and to start the game, or entity I am involved in. Why not live your life like an athlete, he or she has prepared for the event and is very excited about the outcome that will come only after the whistle blows to get everything started. There have not been to many cases where the athlete was late to the starting line or whatever the event is, not being ready for the tipoff to start. Can you say the same when you buzzer goes off in the morning and the game begins are you prepared or better yet are you excited about what’s going to happen over the next 24 hours, in most cases you dread it, you can’t wait until the whistle blows to end the day before it even gets started. Seriously folks, is that anyway to live you life, and remember it’s your life and you can live it anyway you want, if you desire to be happy and live life full of excitement and adventure, you have the ability to be in the small percentage of individuals that live life on there own terms. Or you can be like the majority that lets life dictate to them when they have to get up, when they can go to sleep and even when they can vacation.

The only one really in control of your actions and reactions are you, not the job you are currently in or even the situation you are in currently, smarter people than us have had to make this same decision, I want freedom, and I am willing to pay the price to get it, will it be easy, don’t kid your self, but is it worth it. If you go back to the title, to become an elite athlete that earns millions of dollars, adored by many if you ask them is it easy, they will probably tell you the same thing it is not easy, but it is worth it. What would it be like if you could dictate your terms, your rules of engagement, well you can if you are willing to make a few changes in your life, first you must believe in yourself and understand that whatever it is that you desire, you can obtain it. After you get in the right frame of mind you must put together a plan of action that you feel will get you to your goals the fastest and most efficiently. The final and most important part of your transformation in most cases are your associations, it is difficult at first because you are still a little resistant to change, but when you really sit down and think about it all you need to is create the right relationships, the right associations and let the ones that are not adding value go. There is an old saying find someone that has what you desire, find out what they did to achieve it and you truly have a roadmap to your success. Sam Walton once said, there’s really, nothing new under the sun, so why reinvent the wheel, someone, somewhere probably has already done what it is that you want to do, so find them and see what it is they have done and duplicate it. Remember tomorrow the whistle will blow in the morning ready or not, why not be ready with a plan of action that will make this day the best day you can make it.

Your next chance to change will be

January 19, 2008

Walsh College Troy

3838 Livernois

Troy MI 48007

9:00-12:30 PM

For Information on RSVP

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Save $3,000.00 or more on your personal taxes this year!

We will show you how to save at least $3,000.00 on your taxes this year! Saving on your taxes alone would be great by it’s self, but I will also show you how to save up to 70% on your travel and vacations as a kicker.

Would you be willing to invest just $495.00 and $49.00 a month to save $3,000.00 on your taxes this year and every year?

Once you sign up, you immediately qualify for more than a dozen tax deductions for your small business, but you must do so by December 31, 2008.

Click here to save on your 2008 taxes and save up to 70% on travel, which is also tax deductable.

Need more proof? See what a former IRS Agent and Attorney, CPA and Author Sandy Botkin of the Tax reduction Institue has to say on the benefits of starting a home based business, and why you should start a home based business NOW! Click Image Below

Tax Reduction Institute

A dozen deductions for your small business

Small-business tax rule No. 1: Don't mess with the IRS.

But that doesn't mean you should cheat yourself. Take every legal deduction you can. Here are a dozen that even savvy small-business owners and entrepreneurs sometimes forget:

1. Home office
Concerned that claiming a home-office deduction is tantamount to sending an engraved invitation to an Internal Revenue Service auditor? Don't be, says Jan Zobel, author of Minding Her Own Business: The Self-Employed Woman's Guide to Taxes and Recordkeeping.

"I don't agree that chances of getting audited are greater with a home-office deduction," says Zobel, a San Francisco Bay-area tax expert, who specializes in serving the self-employed. In her own practice, she has prepared more than 400 returns a year for the last 25 years. And while at least half of her clients claim a home-office deduction, only one home-based entrepreneur has been audited.

The key here is that you use the term "home office" the same way the IRS does. The tax agency says it must be a space devoted to your business and absolutely nothing else. Deducting the den that houses the family computer and serves as a guest bedroom won't fly with Uncle Sam.

"If you only have one computer and you have a child over four, the IRS is going to be pretty certain that the child is using the computer," says Zobel. "And the burden of proof is on you."

The deduction, however, isn't limited to a full room. Your home office can be part of a room. Just how much of the space is deductible? Measure your work area and divide by the square footage of your home. That percentage is the fraction of your home-related business expenses -- rent, mortgage, insurance, electricity, etc.-- that you can claim.

2. Office supplies
Even if you don't take the home-office deduction, you can deduct the business supplies you buy. Hang onto those receipts, because these expenditures will offset your taxable business income.

3. Furniture
When your office supplies are more than just pens and paper, you have another tax-cutting opportunity.

Office-furniture acquisitions provide a couple of choices. Deduct 100 percent of the cost in the year of the purchase or deduct a portion of the expense over seven years, also known as depreciation.

To take the whole cost in one tax year you'll use the Section 179 deduction (named for the part of the tax code where the law appears). Recent tax-law changes have made this deduction even more attractive. For the 2006 tax year, a business owner can expense up to $108,000.

If you choose instead to depreciate the desks and filing cabinets, you can't simply split the cost into equal portions over the depreciation period. Instead, you must use an IRS chart to make separate calculations each year.

Which is better for you? Anticipate the times that your business will need these deductions the most. Both options are reported on IRS Form 4562.

4. Other equipment
Items such as computers, copiers, fax machines and scanners also are tax deductible. As with furniture, you can take 100 percent up front or depreciate (this time over five years).

5. Software and subscriptions
The recently increased Section 179 provides another tax break in this area of business expenses. Previously, a company had to depreciate the cost of computer software over three years. Now, off-the-shelf software a business buys can be fully expensed in the year purchased.

The rules for deducting business and industry-related magazine subscriptions weren't changed. You can continue to take the total costs as a full deduction in the year spent.

6. Mileage
If you drive for business, the IRS wants to give you some of your money back. But Uncle Sam loves documentation, so keep a notebook in your vehicle to record the date, mileage, tolls, parking costs and the purpose of your trip.

At the end of the year, you have two choices. You can total the mileage and add in the tolls and parking to calculate your deduction. Once you have your mileage total, multiply it by 44.5 cents for your 2006 deduction. For 2007 business tax purposes, the rate goes to 48.5 cents a mile.

Or you can measure your business usage against your personal driving and deduct that portion of your auto-related expenses, says Zobel. Remember to include gas, repairs and insurance.

If you are leasing, include those payments. If you buying the car, factor in the interest on your loan and depreciation on your vehicle.

And if your company's office is at your house, you get a bit more of a break. You can deduct the entire business-related mileage, from the minute you pull out of the driveway until you return home, says Gary W. Carter, author of J.K. Lasser's Taxes Made Easy for Your Home-Based Business: The Ultimate Tax Handbook for the Self-employed

If your business is not home-based, your mileage meter starts at your first business-related destination and ends at your last. You can't include the drive to and from home, says Carter, a CPA and professor at the University of Minnesota. In this case, try to schedule several business appointments on the same day to allow you to take the mileage between stops as a tax write-off.

7. Travel, meals, entertainment and gifts
Good news, small-business travelers. You might as well stay in a nice hotel, because the entire cost is tax deductible. Likewise, the cost of travel -- air, rail or auto -- is 100 percent deductible, as are costs associated with life on the road (dry cleaning, rental cars and tipping the bellboy).

The only exception is eating out. You can deduct only 50 percent of your meals while traveling. So stay at the Ritz and eat at Wendy's.

Once you get home, your on-the-job meals aren't deductible -- unless you bring along a client to talk business. In this case, you might consider splurging on a fancier meal because then you can write off half such work-related dining costs.

The 50-percent deduction limit applies to most other client entertainment expenses, too. But a direct gift to a client or employee is 100 percent deductible, says Zobel, up to $25 per person per year.

8. Insurance premiums
Self-employed and paying your own health insurance premiums? These costs are 100 percent deductible.

This break primarily benefits proprietorships, but there are limits. The deduction can't be more than your business' net profit. And it's not allowed if you were eligible for other health care coverage, including that offered by your employed spouse's medical plan.

Did your spouse work for you last year? Then, says Carter says, you can get the full medical premiums deduction on your return. As an employee, your spouse's premiums are 100 percent deductible; if you and the children were on her policy as dependents, so are those costs.

Two caveats: 1) Your spouse's employment must be real, not in name only, and you must offer coverage equally to any other employees. 2) Failure to meet these requirements could result in a lawsuit, an audit or both.

You also can include some of the premiums you pay for long-term care insurance for yourself, your spouse or dependents.

9. Retirement contributions
Are you self-employed and saving for your own retirement with a SEP-IRA or Keogh? Don't forget to deduct your contribution on your personal income tax return.

10. Social Security
The bad news: If you're self-employed or starting a small business, you have to pay double the Social Security contributions you would as an employee. That's because federal law requires the employer pay half and the employee pay half. Self-employed workers are both, meaning the total will equal 15.3 percent of your net profits.

The good news: You can deduct half of the contribution on your 1040.

11. Telephone charges
You can deduct the cost of the business calls that you make for business from home. When your bill comes in, circle the business-related calls, total them up and keep a copy. At the end of the year, tally your 12 bills and deduct 100 percent.

The IRS assumes that you will have a phone in your house anyway, so Zobel cautions that regular fees and charges don't count toward your deduction. But if you have a second line installed and use it only for business, all of these charges are deductible.

12. Child labor
"It's always good to employ your kids," says Carter. Depending upon how much you paid them, they might be able to avoid income taxes. Plus, there is no Social Security tax when you hire your child who is 17 or younger and you can deduct the salary as a business expense. This break is available, however, only if you operate as a sole proprietor or as a partnership in which you and your spouse are the only partners. If your business runs as a corporation, then it, not you, are considered the employer and the corporation is not relieved of the tax liabilities.

Make the money go even further. Have your child contribute to a Roth IRA, says Carter. Not only have you gotten a nice tax deduction from the salary and trained your youngster to save, you've also help establish a nest egg for his or her future.

By Dana Dratch is a freelance writer based in Georgia.

The New Year is hear what have you done

The first thing I would like to do is to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New year. Look at the title and take a second to think, what you have done in the 120 hours that have transpired since the start of the New Year. The answer is important to you, for a multitude of reasons; most New Years Resolutions as we like to call them are won and lost at the starting line. Well the starting line for you happens to be January 1, 2008, and you have to be very cognizant of what you do or do not accomplish on a daily basis. The reason I am asking you to back track and see what you have accomplished in the previous 4 days would be to make you start being accountable for you time, everyday counts when you are trying to make a transformation from who you are presently into the person you want to be. It is a proven fact that most resolutions are lost within the first week of the year and once the average person regresses once they feel they have lost it for the entire year and that does not have to be true, remember everyone makes mistakes, people smarter, richer and more sophisticated than us have regressed from time to time, so do not beat yourself up that you did not hit your desired goals within the first week of the month, or better yet you probably are still in the process of starting to implement your plan for the New Year.

This is just a little encouragement for you to stay focused on what it is that you want to accomplish in 2008, someone will do it why not you. The most important part I have found in hitting and exceeding your goals, would be to have small to moderate milestones that you reward yourself with, don’t be a taskmaster to yourself and get down when things do not go according to plan, as a matter of fact expect things to get in your way and you will be ahead of the game. A quick little test that I like to give individuals, you sat down and wrote your goals and if you are like most you put them somewhere that no one else can find them or see them, what if you put them in an area that people can see them. The reason I tell people to put your goals out there is that you may find that one someone that might hold you to your word, they can or will on a regular basis question you about how you are doing in respect to your goals.

This can do wonders to keep you on track; you can only motivate yourself so far in the beginning so building a solid team that you ask to assist you in reaching your goals is almost mandatory for you at the beginning. The test is to see if for 30 days you enlist 1-3 of your friends and or coworkers in on your plans or goals and see if that helps you or hurts you in obtaining what it is that you want. Be sure to select the most ambitious in your group, giving your goals to a nay-sayer will hurt you more than it can help you, in the beginning you need to insure that you have the most support you can find, so select wisely and see if that can assist you. The breaking of bad habits are a two-fold process, the first is to implement a plan to break your bad habit and second is to replace your bad habit with a new habit and implement it for 30 days, so think about it you are only really 30 day to a new you.

P. S. I am willing to be on your team and help you in you reaching your goals in 2008, I will need for you to send me a written version of your goals and a time to contact you weekly and I will check up on you every Friday. I am committed to you living the life you deserve, the question of the day, are you committed enough to do what it takes, remember success leaves clues what clues have you seen.

Darrick H Scruggs


Big Michigan YTB Contest

Use this contest to encourage your team to build! You should be pumping up the "50 Day Explosion" for the next 50 Days! You can use this energy and momentum to help you get your first Dream Bonus. Just a hand full of RTAs, excited about the contest, can get 5, 10, 20 new energetic people on your team. Ultimately getting you a $10K bonus in a couple of months.

Remember the definition of POOR is Passing Over Opportunity Regularly! Let's take advantage of this opportunity!

As you all know, I am here to help. Don't be a stranger...

Copy and paste the info below and make sure that every person on your team get's this info.

Good Afternoon,
Great News! You have an opportunity to participate in the "50 Day Explosion!" This is a contest for the Top Power Team Builders over the next 50 Days. In addition to the income you earn from YTB, you will receive a cash bonus directly from my pocket! :-)
1st Place $1000
2nd Place $ 500
3rd Place $ 250
You need a minimum of 25 new RTAs in order to qualify.
Contest begins January 4, 2008 and ends on February 23, 2008.
Winners will be announced and prizes will be given at PowerBall 2008!
Be sure to RSVP for PowerBall 2008 ASAP.

Contact Darrick Scruggs


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

To Be or Not to Be its truly all up to me

I was asleep and this topic came to me, I was tossing and tuning and my wife was getting frustrated about me not being able to sleep. I told her I had something I needed to write down before I could rest well. Well it really just dawned on me, that my success and lack of it all really depends on me. The reason I say that with such amazement is that for the first time I truly believe it and better yet I know what I need to do today, tomorrow and so on to obtain what it is that I truly want. Individuals always say it, but do you really mean that you know what you want. It is as clear as the sun is on a sunny day. I want freedom, freedom not only from debt, but from the constraints of having to live by everyone’s rules. I know that I can and will change the rules for me; I want and know I can do it for others, but you must first believe that the rules can be changed.

The rules are always made up by someone, have you ever wondered who made up the 9-5 rules for employment and that it takes exactly 40 hours for everyone to get a said task completed. There are rules for all of us to follow, but why do you have to be like everyone else, lets start living out of this box that we all so carefully trying to stay in. Well these rules are changing daily, but not as fast as I would like them to, so I have decided to create my own rules, my own playbook. It will not be that thick and it will not have a lot of details in it. I will be able to tell you this before I even write a word in it, every page will have something on it that I like and want to do. Sounds nice, and most that are reading this will say, yeah that sounds nice, but you are different you have your own business, you can dictate your terms better than me, well at one time I was in your shoes and had to listen to my knuckle head boss and decided I could lead me better that he could to the promised land. My life will be lived on terms that will give me first and foremost freedom, by the end of 2008 or towards the beginning of 2009 I will work only 9 months a year and vacation and or do nothing for 90 days a year.

What would it be like to have 90 days a year off, no I am not including those days that most call a vacation the weekend. I will have 90 days 3 entire months off every year, not including weekends which most look forward to starting on Monday. It can and will happen, why you might ask, well I know and truly believe it can happen and I am implementing systems and structures to insure that it will be possible. My goal is to make more in less time, why not someone else is doing it why not me, why not make more in less time and have more time with the one’s you love or doing things that you like to do. All it takes is a plan, and for you to implement the plan that can give you the life you deserve instead of the life you have. I have talked to my partners and we have 30 day,60-90-180-366 day goals and benchmarks we need to hit to insure that not only will I have and enjoy my life at the end of this year, but my partners as well. It is a very good feeling to have to know that if and when I hit my goals every month, my life is becoming easier and easier.

My plan is my plan, what’s yours, are you really serious about making a change in your life, if you are I am committed to helping you, the first thing you need to realize, it is simple, but not easy, it will be hard, but very rewarding. It is your life do you think you are worth it. Act as if you are fighting for your future, your happiness and well being depends on your actions today, not tomorrow. If you acted with this in mind daily, weekly, or monthly you probably would have a different mindset, your actions would be decidedly more action oriented. Let take a pop quiz, if you had to grade your success or lack of success on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best where would you rate your 2007. I would rate my 2007 a 2 that means I have a long way to go, where would you rate yours and what is even more important what are you going to do today to insure that rating will be a 10. In closing I would like to say that 2008 will be a year to remember for me, I have some outrageous goals for January, and then it’s off to the races from there on. What do you have planned for January, better yet and even more important what do you have planned for the next 7-10 in January, everyday counts. Procrastination is the biggest dream stealer that I know, stop putting off your life till tomorrow.

Living Life on your terms starts and ends with you, are you ready to do something different, success is available for everyone, but most will never achieve even a portion of the success of others due to fear of failure, failure is a very real part of success, the more you fail, the more chances you have of success.


Darrick H Scruggs

Your Freedom Coach
