Saturday, January 5, 2008

The New Year is hear what have you done

The first thing I would like to do is to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New year. Look at the title and take a second to think, what you have done in the 120 hours that have transpired since the start of the New Year. The answer is important to you, for a multitude of reasons; most New Years Resolutions as we like to call them are won and lost at the starting line. Well the starting line for you happens to be January 1, 2008, and you have to be very cognizant of what you do or do not accomplish on a daily basis. The reason I am asking you to back track and see what you have accomplished in the previous 4 days would be to make you start being accountable for you time, everyday counts when you are trying to make a transformation from who you are presently into the person you want to be. It is a proven fact that most resolutions are lost within the first week of the year and once the average person regresses once they feel they have lost it for the entire year and that does not have to be true, remember everyone makes mistakes, people smarter, richer and more sophisticated than us have regressed from time to time, so do not beat yourself up that you did not hit your desired goals within the first week of the month, or better yet you probably are still in the process of starting to implement your plan for the New Year.

This is just a little encouragement for you to stay focused on what it is that you want to accomplish in 2008, someone will do it why not you. The most important part I have found in hitting and exceeding your goals, would be to have small to moderate milestones that you reward yourself with, don’t be a taskmaster to yourself and get down when things do not go according to plan, as a matter of fact expect things to get in your way and you will be ahead of the game. A quick little test that I like to give individuals, you sat down and wrote your goals and if you are like most you put them somewhere that no one else can find them or see them, what if you put them in an area that people can see them. The reason I tell people to put your goals out there is that you may find that one someone that might hold you to your word, they can or will on a regular basis question you about how you are doing in respect to your goals.

This can do wonders to keep you on track; you can only motivate yourself so far in the beginning so building a solid team that you ask to assist you in reaching your goals is almost mandatory for you at the beginning. The test is to see if for 30 days you enlist 1-3 of your friends and or coworkers in on your plans or goals and see if that helps you or hurts you in obtaining what it is that you want. Be sure to select the most ambitious in your group, giving your goals to a nay-sayer will hurt you more than it can help you, in the beginning you need to insure that you have the most support you can find, so select wisely and see if that can assist you. The breaking of bad habits are a two-fold process, the first is to implement a plan to break your bad habit and second is to replace your bad habit with a new habit and implement it for 30 days, so think about it you are only really 30 day to a new you.

P. S. I am willing to be on your team and help you in you reaching your goals in 2008, I will need for you to send me a written version of your goals and a time to contact you weekly and I will check up on you every Friday. I am committed to you living the life you deserve, the question of the day, are you committed enough to do what it takes, remember success leaves clues what clues have you seen.

Darrick H Scruggs


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