Week 2 of 2008 has come and Gone
We are knee deep into 2008 what have you done, are you any closer to making the life altering New Years resolutions that you made at the end of 2007. Some of you actually sat down and put time and effort into figuring out that you were not satisfied in 2007. So you decided that you wanted more in 2008 and you did what 95% of the population never achieves. You have a written roadmap to your success in 2008. I know that it is difficult at first to make the transition from a talker to a doer. Well I know that if you want something bad enough you will get off your but and make it happen. It sounds really simple and in the most part, your mind is the key to your success. Take a look back at the previous 13 days and ask yourself honestly what have you done that will bring about a different result in 2008. If we are honest we have probably done a lot of contemplating, but not much of anything else.
Take action on your dreams, it is here for you to take control, all you have to do is take action. If you decide that you really want to change badly enough you will take action. An elderly gentleman once told me that you can either change on your own or you will be forced to change which one are you. This is the information age, the age of you being OK with being average or mediocre is dead and gone, every 3-5 years you will have to upgrade your knowledge base or you will be left behind. If you look at the proliferation of the internet over the last 10 years all you can say is WOW. In 1998 if you asked 10 people what a “GOOGLE” is, 10 out 10 would have said what is a Google, now ask that same question and what will be the answer. So if you look at the big picture it does not take long for things to change in the information age, ready or not it’s changing, so why not be prepared and take action to put yourself in position to take advantage of change. The internet is here to say, so welcome it, learn it, and be well versed in the inner workings of the internet. It can and will make many, many millionaires in the near future.
This is just one area where change is happening very rapidly, we can look at the auto industry and see that it is a business that is on the decline, jobs are being lost daily to outsourcing and other technological improvements. The day and time where you could get a great job at the plant and live a middle class lifestyle will never return, so embrace it and understand that you can have the same lifestyle you just have to have different skill-sets, are you handy, well the building trades and home improvement will not be outsourced, a great handy man can make a significant living if he or she is willing to make a few modifications to the business they run, maybe a web presence or client relationship mechanism that you implement to keep your clients informed about your where about and other need to know information ,IE Specials you are running, referral programs that you have implemented. The easiest, but most overlooked growth would be to have satisfied customers refer other customers to you. Stop worrying so much about new customers and satisfy the one’s you have. What if every customer you acquire has the ability if satisfied to bring 1-3 new clients, well your business can double off every satisfied client.
I have just touched a couple of ideas that can give you the life you desire and deserve. As I stated in an earlier post or article, it all starts and ends with you. The New Year is still in its infancy you have plenty of time to make the necessary corrections to get back on track. Don’t worry about what you haven’t done so far, just worry about what you are going to do today, and tomorrow, the past is long gone and no matter what we say or do we can’t bring it back. Live in the moment sometimes, stop worrying so much about the mistakes you probably will make, so what, we all do it is a part of the learning process, fight through it and give you some valuable me time every day. Take time and ask yourself 2 simple questions.
1. Are you happy with the way your life has been in the past?
2. If you answered as most, what are you willing to do to change your current circumstances?
These 2 simple questions are what I live by, the answer you give will either take you in the direction that you want to go in or it will keep you exactly where you are currently.
Come See What Freedom looks like
The Power to be Free
January 19, 2008 (9:00AM -12:30PM)
Walsh College
Troy Mi 48007
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