There was a time in my life when I did not know that I had the power to choose to be free. Yet, once you know something, you cannot 'un-know' it. I know that we have all been placed on this earth to live free, fulfilled, purposeful and happy lives. People deserve to know that the power to live a self-actualized life is, by God, in their hands. That is why I have dedicated so much of my time and energy to helping other people to see that they can free themselves of their restrictive, unrewarding, uncompensated J-O-B's…if they really want to. (Quiet as it's kept some people don't really want to be free. They want and need a 'boss'.) People who want to live powerfully can connect with other 'free-folks' and learn how to liberate themselves while making more money and spending as much time with their families as they can handle. That's power! That real living and it is truly priceless.
Start each day by asking yourself what actions you need to take today to ensure that you free up your time in the very near future to spend with the ones you love and that love you unconditionally There aren't any guarantees in life, but what we do at the Power to be Free is about giving you the opportunity to escape a life of limitation and claim a life of limitless abundance. With that you will be empowered to take the time that God has given you and use it to create truly PRICELESS moments with your loved ones.
Let me be clear here. I talk and write a lot about making money and building wealth. All things must, however, be placed in the proper perspective. Money is a tool. It is something that we must be good stewards over in order to do good and useful things in this world that will not only bless our families and ourselves, but also the world. The Bible is often misquoted as saying, "Money is the root of all evil." The correct quote states, "The love of money is the root of all evil." If we love our families and use money to express our love for them and to make this world a better place, our money and our time would be well spent.
Money comes and goes, but days like that recent Saturday I told you about with my family are priceless. The Power to Be Free was created with the mission to help all of our members create priceless moments in their lives and in those of their family members. Freedom is the point here, not money, prestige, glory or fame, though all or some of those things may come with freedom for some people. That's all right if that is what you want. Know what you want. I know I want more priceless moments on this earth with my family. Money is a means to that end…and I am having a great time making it. So, what do you want? What would your life look like if it were filled day after day with a string of priceless moments?
Claiming a life of 'priceless ness' is all about you, your inspiration, motivation and your goals. We understand that most people want to make a change. They want to do something different, but they do not have a viable alternative to their current situations. They do not have a plan. We can help them. We can help you. We have the alternate plan that will help you to change your life and reclaim power over your time. Give us a specific period of time and we can give you what most want, freedom. Right? Isn't that what we are all trying to obtain?
The United States of America was established by the core human drive for liberty and freedom. Generations of African Americans struggled and sacrificed everything—including their lives for FREEDOM. There's nothing to hold any of us back now besides an unwillingness to take action. We can't save you from that though. You must make the choice to change and to free yourself. Then we can help you. Attend one Power to Be Free meeting and you'll see for yourself…and I promise you that what you learn will be PRICELESS!
Darrick H Scruggs
The Power to Be Free
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