Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sticks and Stones

At an early age, I discovered the power of words. I can remember running home to my parents crying because the kids in our neighborhood would say hurtful things like, “You are so poor you can't pay attention!” It was true. We were poor, but that fact did not make the taunting any less painful. Unfortunately for me, however, I could pay attention and I paid close attention to the every hurtful word hurled at me. Those cruel words pierced into my soul just as sure as any knife would have.

My parents attempted to make it better by insisting that I retaliate by saying the old school yard comeback, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will not hurt me". As much as I repeated the retort, the power of the cruel words lingered on within me somehow. My parents were right about a lot of things, but they missed the mark big time on this sticks, stones and words. I now know for a fact that sticks and stones may break your bones and words will not only hurt you they can kill you!

According to the book of Proverbs the power of life and death are in the tongue. WOW.... That is truth. I often witness people that I coach or lead in my business as they talk themselves into or out of situations and circumstances. I believe that your success is in your mouth.

I always wanted to own and operate a restaurant. I would use " The 5 yard rule”. I would tell anyone that came within 5 yards of me that my business name is Ken's Hot Dog Stand. A couple of years later I was presented an opportunity to purchase 2 McDonald's Franchises.

Words are the most powerful force in the universe. Your words are the power that you have to create. Your word is the gift that comes directly from God. Through the word you manifest your intent, regardless of what language you speak. What you dream, what you feel, and what you really are will all be manifested through the words you speak.

The word is a force. It is the power you have to communicate, to think, and to there-by to create the events on your life. Remember, to be Impeccable with your words. If you are interested to hear the entire story of how was able to speak my way to success and wealth or if you are ready to move to the next level and need coaching, visit me at

Ken Brown

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